As an SEO consultant and web marketing and I can not say that everything is learned, every day, if not every minute, in this web’s world, everything changes …
I worked long nights and many hours to achieve good ranking and positions for my clients ranging from lawyers, restaurants, dentists, hair stylist, interior designers, fast food, etc.
Generating good results and many satisfied customers with their positions in Google and other search engines, but between the results generally obtained, sometimes one outstanding result catch my attention.
First page of 2 million, 34 million, 55 million, ah! but this time we reach 128 million with the keyword “work courses on Patients” for, and as a proof, there is the photo.
Although many customers understand this much, in our language means a lot of traffic, clicks, lots of coffee and lots of hard work.
Any questions? Comments? need more results? my website is my name, send me an EMAIL or contact me at 786-285-7343